
"It looks like rain outside," He mumbled across the room.
I shrugged and pulled my sweater tighter around my shoulders.
I tried to close my eyes to the words, the pain, the gloom.
"Do you want me to do something?" He breathed a sigh.
I shook my head in response, he couldn't see my tears.
I'd been like this for some time; no matter how hard I try.
I'd been there. From the beginning, loving his ego.
"I'm just going to go," He began to stand and walk.
I wanted a reason to stop him, a reason he should stay.
But my actions seemed pointless and I wouldn't talk.
He looked back one last time, shook his head; gone.
I was paralyzed. My heart frozen mid-beat, I cried.
I felt as if I'd been bled dry, left for nothing.
Forgotten like a piece of garbage for the next guy to keep,
Unfold, flatten out, use, crumble, repeat.