Guide to Recovery

1) forgive yourself. you made a mistake, and that's okay, all people do. remind yourself that it is completely normal to not feel normal at times.
2) there will be times where it feels as if the world is ending. stop what you're doing. slow down. breathe. the world is not ending, that is just the earth quake in your chest.
3) some days will be easy, and other days will be mornings spent hidden under the covers, hoping no one finds you. on those other days get up, open up the blinds, let the light eliminate your room and smile because you are alive.
4) every morning look in the mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful. one day you will start believing it to be true.
5) make small goals. things such as taking a shower or doing your physics homework. little accomplishments are worth celebrating.
6) when those negative thoughts begin to enter your head, tell them they are wrong.
7) keep yourself busy. go out and do things you would have never done before.
8) reward yourself for how far you have gotten. buy yourself a new pair of jeans that makes your butt look super cute, and show them off.
9) smile. it is scientifically proven that smiling more will improve your mood.
10) take things one day at a time. remember that even your worst days only have twenty-four hours.