If You Need It

Some days it's hard.
Trust me, I know the feeling.
Why do I exist? Why me?
What reason do I breathe, what right have I to breathe?
Trust me, I know those thoughts.
It's hard to carry on, to get out of bed of a morning and live a life
When you don't feel like you're worth it.
But don't talk yourself out of holding on,
Don't give up on your one in a million random chance.
If you ever feel like you're not worth a damn,
Remember that you are literally made of stars.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is another one of those cathartic poems that come from my own experience, rather than story based like most of my poems. I've been having a tough time of it lately and needed something to read when it gets harder to breathe. Things are starting to look up at the moment, but I know it'll always be here for me when I get turned around. And I thought I'd share it for anyone else who's struggling. I hope it helps - you're a beautiful person, don't give into the emptiness and sadness. Life can be good sometimes and even when it's not, there's always someone or something out there worth carrying on for. Stay safe, guys.