Racing Thoughts

it's dark when they drag me down
i claw at the edge of the hole
but there's nothing to grab into.
i'm treading water and begging for a reprieve.
thoughts come racing like a train on the tracks,
crashing loudly through your peaceful thoughts and flicking ...
flick. flick. flick.
one past the other hurtling past you.
you barely have time to grab one before the next
and then another after that and another.
how can you possibly keep track?
you fall running after and they are gone.
you're left.
your feet are dirty and your cheeks are dirty
from wiping at your tears.
you may have broken a nail and your throat is raw from screaming.
and there's nothing to show for it.
you stand there, tripping over your words
and they just stare at the mess you've become.
you're racing the thoughts but they won.
crazy girl.