Human Iam Not

you won't believe me.
People think I'm fucked up on drugs

But their is no satisfaction drugs would give me.

My mind is racing but I can not think off a single though.

It is maddening!

I'm losing my mask of humanity.

Humanity what is it' secret to compassion?

I lack the ability to be compassionate

I am not human.

I find people aggravating; with their feelings they flaunt.

I punch walls to feel

I walk the night into day for sleep knowns not my name.

I'm losing my grip on reality....

My dreams are life and my life are dreams.

My dreams.....

They are not normal...

I wake up happy..until the events of the dream sets in.

Left with a nasty taste in my mouth.

a hallowness in my chest.

I fight my mind with silent screams

And beating my body in an attempt to rid it of the anger tingaling my skin.

I'm cabubale of doing offal things....

I am not human.
♠ ♠ ♠
Inspired by some one who let me vent. You know who u are. Thank you.
Much clown love.