Sick of Us

Long ago there was a boy,
Who did not do what he was told,
He did not guard his heart,
Lost his way into another skirt.

Long ago there was a girl,
Who did what she was told to do,
She trusted people who had worth,
Lost her way into her first birth.

A short time ago there was a boy,
He had to be a father to this baby,
Did he not listen to his mother?
Lost to the sea of his own tears.

A short time ago there was a girl,
She had to be a mother young,
Did she not listen to herself?
Lost to the desert of loneliness.

Now they're both afraid and alone,
Working 9-5, every week day,
On separate time zones,
One week the baby is with her,
The next with him,
They fight and fight,
Until one gives in,
Where does it end?
Where did it start?
It started long ago,
With a boy and a girl,
With two lonely hearts.