You Did This

I want to curl up in a ball
Ball my eyes out and forget it all
All I know is what you told me
Me-aning, I have to believe you
You used me when I was trusting
Trusting you was the biggest mistake
Mistakes are what build strength
Strength and courage is what I need now
Now I don’t know whom to believe
Believe me is a phrase that is not the truth
Truth be told, he used me
Me, drunk and not able to consent
Consent needs to have you be sober
Sober means no alcohol
Alcohol, girl, guy, drunk, means don’t have sex
Sex is something both parties have to agree on
On that note, if she’s drunk... LEAVE
Leave me be now
Now I am broken and untrusting
Untrusting of so many people
People you know are often those who abuse you
You were someone I knew
Knew I was vulnerable and easy
Easy to take advantage of me that night
♠ ♠ ♠
This isn't done, I think I will change it and the style but really needed to write, haven't in a long time.