Where I'm From

I am from tears and scars
From hiding behind a mask and fake smile
From years of constant suffering and late-night insomnia

I am from extreme social expectations
Being bullied and laughed at
From striving to look my best for guys
But always getting rejected

I am from self-doubt and social anxiety
Terrified of my peers
And several panic attacks
And believing I'm not enough

I am from parents who are non-accepting of many things
From a father scaring me and making me flinch from most guys
And a mother threatening to isolate me
Due to my problems and lies

I am from music and arts
Songs making my life worth living
And writing and drawing and playing music
Being my escape from it all

I am from a life that has mistreated me
Twisting my thoughts and dreams
But now I use them to my advantage
Using them to make wonderful things