Alison Kate

Tears cascaded down her porcelain face,
as the mascara followed them.
For the last time he was truly gone,
and she did not want to believe it.
She waited and waited for him,
only to see the empty garage.
He promised her forever,
but he couldn't keep it.
She still wonders why her,
why did he have to leave her.
The next day she dressed in black,
to the least of everyone's expectations.
She went to see him with a single white rose,
and found his final resting place.
She lain the white rose upon the cold ground,
no one was around and she knew why.
Tears wetted her face like a waterfall,
only to be on the gray stone.
Her mind still hadn't processed,
what exactly had happened that night.
His name and dates,
father and son.
Husband and friend,
Loved by all,
only had one love.
His dear wife,
who wept at his grave.
Grandfather to a beautiful baby girl,
Alison Kate is her name.