Just Stop the Ignorance

It isn't easy but it's something we all have to do.
Risk's and chances are just part of life.
It gets harder and harder the older you get.
It seems like every sacrifice you make for someone ends wrong for you.
Then you're left with what? Nothing right? You're left alone with memories and heartache.

Once again, it isn't easy but it's something we all have to do.
Risk's and chances are just a part of life.
Yes, it gets harder and harder the older you get; but it doesn't have too.
Make a sacrifice for the right person and you'll see a difference.
The choices we make now reflect on our humanity later.

So this is the last time I'll say this.
You have to do it.
So take a risk for the right reason.
Make a sacrifice for the right person.
And choose a right chance for YOU.

Because this is your life, and it only matters how YOU live it.