
This place,
they call it a home.
A home is a loving,
warming place.
A home should be peaceful,
and calming.
This home is a torture chamber,
a place of hate and pain.
Blood curdling screams pierce the night,
and the walls shake with anger.
The beds are torn apart,
the blankets scattered.
Clothing is strewn all out the house,
blood dries on the tiles below.
The door is flung open,
as a young girl comes from it.
Her face is covered in blue and blood,
her clothes torn and barely on her.
She is running for her life,
as her father throws a glass bottle at her.
It hits her and she falls,
the gravel scrapes her body.
Her father charges at her,
and yanks her by her hair.
She screams for mercy,
but no one seems to hear.
The neighbors have tried to help,
as they watch her in pain.
They know they can not stop him,
not in his rage.
Blue and red lights flash hastily,
and the siren is heard.
Her father pulls her by her hair,
throwing her in the house.
They pull in the gravel,
and ask for the girl.
The father screams and yells no,
but they are too much for him.
Two hold him down,
as another man runs for her.
He enters the house,
his brown eyes scanning for her.
She is found in her closet,
curled up against the wall.
He cooes that she will be safe,
and never come back to this place.
Their eyes make a connection,
as her eyes fill with water.
They've met before,
only to see the truth this time.
He scoops her up in his arms,
as hers go around his neck.
She stares into his eyes,
as they hold her heart.
His forehead meets hers,
and their lips connect.
For a short sweet second,
she has found her home.
Home is where the heart is,
and her heart will stay with his.