Save Me From Myself

Depression is evil

It pretends to be something else

It pretends it can save you

but you see depression

Haha it can hold every ounce of your being before you're even fifteen

Anxiety is an ass simply put

Anxiety is a control freak

It creeps up on you when you least (or sometimes most) expect it

It makes you a pretty mask that looks horrendous in the mirror or a picture

ADD is rude honestly

ADD is irresponsible loud, obnoxious, and dominant

It is always there distracting you from the world

From your family and friends

It holds you hostage at the most random (and typically worst) times

Suicide is well deadly

It comes when you're sleeping

Or maybe while you're drawing

Or even while you're laughing

She's something often partnered with depression

She is quiet and observational

Self-harm is a sharpie

It stains beautiful skin crafted with care to fit only you

It stays for a long time sometimes forever

Self-harm is like the popular girl in a high school movie

She pretends to be your friend telling you to depend on her

In reality she's slowly but surely changing you killing you

She is almost worse than suicide

Schizophrenia is a joker a trixter an illusionist

Schizophrenia is haunting grueling

He loves to keep you up at night

He always watches and never leaves

Even when you think he's gone believe me when I say you just can't see him

Past is a stone or rock

Past is a part of life

Past has two siblings

But you see past is full of jealousy

So it decides to haunt your every hour from sleep to sleep

No escape it's always there just to annoy you

It never sleeps

None of them do

Instead they ____ you
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Yeah so I'm getting bad again I just don't know why but anyways I'm tired it's almost 5am and I'll be woke up soon so see you whenever