Never wanted to leave you

The tears are flowing down my face,
when I realized that I am leaving.
Half way across the country,
leaving my heart in one place.
I tried and beged not to go,
but I had no choice.
I must go and it hurts deeply,
as today is our senior trip.
I don't want to tell anyone yet,
only when the time is right.
A week later I realized that it is time,
and leave my past behind me.
I drove up to his house,
hoping he still lives there.
I slowly knocked on the door,
as he walked to open it.
I looked right into his eyes,
and the tears start to cascade down my face.
He asked 'what's wrong?',
and I said the words I dreaded so badly.
'I'm leaving,' and I knew that my heart just shattered,
and he just looked at me with those tear rimmed eyes.
Turning around to leave,
I thought that I had made a huge mistake.
Walking away from him never hurt this much,
and I felt something was going to happen.
He chased after me and held me close,
for what seemed like eternity.
He pressed his forehead to mine,
knowing what would happen next.
Our lips touched and I never wanted to leave,
I still loved him but didn't think he loved me anymore.
I heard someone yelling and the front door slam,
a girl stormed out and he told her to leave and she obeyed.
His fiance that I forgot about,
that tried and succeded in spliting us.
Making us go our seperate ways,
never to speak again.
She was wrong,
she didn't think this day would come.
He looked into my eyes and knew what I was hiding,
and he took my hands and intertwined our fingers.
He kissed me again and my stomach flipped numerous times,
I didn't want to move especially not after this.
We went further and we walked down to his basement,
as fear filled my body and I hadn't made up my mind yet.
Feeling were shared and words were said,
but after all this time love was still with us.
One thing led to another and his dream came true,
and so did mine that we would never forget it.
I stayed for the longest I could untill sunset,
but we watched it together.
How the pinks, purples and blues all melted together,
how this is how our first date was.
That I still realized that I was in love with him,
and I never wanted to leave.
I could feel the tears falling once again,
and I stopped trying to prevent them.
I looked over at him and he looked back at me,
'you are so beautiful' he said softly to me.
I didn't believe him but what he said next made me,
'i love you' he whispered into my ear and held me close to him.
He rested my head against his chest as I heard his heart beat,
as I heard mine was in sync with his.
He kissed me again and again,
'i love you too' i said softly back.
I never wanted to leave,
but as I sit here in my new house.
I wish I never left,
I wish that I would have stayed with him forever.
Like we both promised,
but some promises are meant to be broken.
But not this one,
because love was suppost to be forever.
But forever,
forever couldn't come soon enough.