P.S. - I'm Still Not Over You

when you talk to me,
there is nothing else.
when you say you love me,
that's all that matters.
when i knew you lied,
i didn't listen.
the phone calls ended,
the visits were over.
i went up again,
and you were there.
nothing happened,
much to my dismay.
you came here,
and i was here.
somethings happened,
much to my happiness.
the next day,
my world crashed.
i didn't know who to believe,
cause people were lieing.
my heart shattered,
when i heard you said those words.
you never loved me,
you never wanted me.
you used me,
and you trashed me.
i was a bad kisser,
i think it's still funny.
you were the first,
of my everything.
you were my everything,
and then you weren't.
there is only one thing,
that i have to say to you.
you were once my love,
my whole life.
and then you lied,
and never owned up to it.
i gave you my everything,
and you said i was yours.
i wonder if that's still true,
because you still are.
and i miss you,
but not the pain.

oh and p.s.,