A Good Man

Oh, there you are; I lost you for a moment there.
Hello, old friend.
I forgot about the running – did you always do so much?
I suppose you had to, with all the monsters and memories on your tail.
Oh and all that pain.
Sometimes I forget how much you lost back then –
You hide it well, I have to admit.
All that joy in such small things,
No one would guess you’ve seen it all and then some.
Looking at you, you’d never guess you’ve been around so long,
Old as sin yet still so young at hearts.
Oh, so many faces but still so recognisable –
And everyone has their favourite.
With every new mask comes a new energy, a new soul,
A new you.
How many more will you grace us with?
How many more times will you save us from those other worlds,
Save us from ourselves?
Run, you clever boy,
The oncoming storm with a name
That strikes fear into the hearts of all that hate you
And joy into the hearts of all that adore you.
The only thing that gives you away are those eyes –
Oh they’ve seen so much.
You could have the face of a child and still they’d know
From those wizened old eyes.
Keep running –
There’s life in you yet.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I love Doctor Who. But I kind of strayed away for a while, and recently I picked it all back up again. Specifically, this poem is about Ten (my current fave) but there are allusions to Eleven too (my other current fave). I love them. Sorry.