Sensation Called Love

The wind whips through my hair,
as the thunder yells at us.
The lightning is scolding the earth,
for not being wet enough.
The rain is slamming down on the ground,
making small puddles become lakes.
The sun is shining bright above us,
and sending chills down our spines.
The cool strong air makes us smoosh closer together,
our bodies becoming one.
This storm can not stop us,
nothing can stop this sensation.
This sensation called love,
wierd as it may seem.
It is the stongest feeling in the world,
nothing can come between it.
Love makes everything better,
even a dreary storm on a sunny day.
Love is an everlasting sensation,
never to leave earth.
Never to leave your heart or soul,
making you feel complete.
The storm continues on,
for what seems like hours.
When all is said and done,
the earth is swamped from the water.
The water from the Heavens above,
that makes the light shine down on us.
The spine chilling sun,
now makes us warmer.
Love can change the world,
even for a split second.
Making everything seem worth while,
making life seem like a bliss.
A sweet bliss,
a song.
This sensation called love,
can do many magical things.