There Lies a Shadow in My Heart

There lies a shadow in my heart
And yes, my heart does sway
There is a darker hidden part
There is a different way

At times the darkness does break through
And some days I am lost
Some nights my eyes may turn on you
Sometimes you'll pay the cost

I wish a better soul to be
A man who does what's right
But I am not, I'm merely me
I barely last the night

I've done my dancing with the lie
That I am more than mortal
Across the cracks of the world's eye
Upon the stage called moral

But fore you cast your words of stone
Upon this sinner's shame
Look closely, I am not alone
My friend, we are the same!

There is a choice you have to make
To stay or to depart
For if you stay, make no mistake
There lies a shadow in my heart