
Something drew me on that dark night
I felt the lure of the darkness
It was too sweet for me to fight
I didn't dare hesitate lest
I return to the safe known light
And pursue no more this dark quest

I felt my way along each stair
Silent and agile in my art
But I felt upon every hair
The same terror that filled my heart
As I stepped into that dark lair
Unsure if I'd ever depart

Where the darkness led I followed
"Show me the way down" I whispered
I don't care if I am swallowed
And never again speak a word
For to explore this ground, hallowed
Is to never again be heard

And as I crept in dungeons black
The darkness crept in me as well
I wondered if I could go back
To the white church and silver bell
Or was I doomed to haunt this track
Like some Ill-favored ghost of hell?

Within darkened halls of stone
Within the depths of my own soul
I found that I was not alone
There stood a creature black as coal
And this strange phantom was my own
The darkest piece within the whole

To him, to me, though seemed absurd
I gave myself, for time had past
To make my last cries for help heard
I fell into the shadows vast
And in the end the thing whispered
In laughing mocking tone, "at last"