"What's Yours Is Mine"

Part of me still wants to run from you,
Part of me still wants to scream.
Half my heart still turns away,
Afraid that this is all a dream.
A small space still holds me back,
A place I haven't let you touch.
That corner left is still so scared
That letting you in might be too much.
A piece of me is always waiting,
A piece that dreads and hopes in vain.
A little sliver that always wonders
If, when I wake, the dream will remain.
A part of me, a little piece--that sliver,
A half that's really not a half at all. . .
Just the remnants of the fears that you feel, too,
That keep on reinforcing that "little" wall.
It's so small, you say, and I believe you.
It's so tiny a space we hardly pause.
Merely a thought we pretend is deemed unworthy,
So scared of the damage that it might cause.
Will it grow, I wonder? I ask myself.
Will those parts still be there after all that time?
Can we build a bridge--should we even try--
Knowing already that what's yours is mine?