Finding Happiness (12/19/2010)

A germ closely examined under a microscope,
Careful to do only the right thing.

Afraid of judgment.

Trying to be perfect in everyone's eyes,
While staying true to one's heart.

On the outside,
An alien with green skin,

No place it belongs,
In the world of "Normals".

Happiness disappearing and reappearing,
Till the realization that happiness is something you make.

Choosing to be happy,

Laughing at those who don't believe.

The number eighteen,
Age of an Adult,


The number eighty-one,
An Unseen and Untold Future ahead.

Eight more ladders of life to climb.
Where do they lead?
No one Knows.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hand poem, the idea came from a creative writing class I had in high school. You look at your hand and describe what you see, and make a poem based of that, a personal one perhaps about your life or how you feel? I don't remember the details of how we did it.