Don't Forget the Evening Star

The People are waiting for Spring to come;
The frosts to cease, the rivers to run.
We’re all waiting for Dawn to break;
The grass to grow, the wine to make.
We wait for the rise of the Morning Star:
How bright she shines from Heaven afar!
We wait for the rise of the rising sun,
The Glorious Morning, the battle is won.

But don’t forget the Evening Star;
The one who died to make you who you are.
She rose up and was killed by the Night;
Don’t let the darkness consume all her light.

Reborn in the Morning from kingdom afar,
Don’t forget the Evening Star!
♠ ♠ ♠
Its actually a spiel from another story I wrote yesterday, and is said by a character called "Lucifer", whose name, co-incidentally, means exactly the same thing as "Phosgene". Go figure. Could it be that the bringers of light will actually bring on the night instead?