35 Minutes

Only because - I sat next to you on the bus
For 35 minutes - without any trust
- Or reason to believe you were a good person
And without knowing what music you listen -

- To - When it’s dark and quiet
Do you keep your eyes closed or open?
Do you have friends or eat meals alone?
Do you wonder - if we’ll ever meet again?

For 35 minutes we travelled the city
I was with you - and you were with me
I wouldn’t have sat beside you if the bus was empty
But it was packed - except for that one vacant seat

And for 35 minutes we saw - several people
The time we shared the bus, we all were equal
Before we got off and returned - to our lives
Picked up where we left off, leaving the bus behind

Only because a crowded bus makes me feel lonely
Together for 35 minutes - but nobody speaks
Our arms touched, but I never looked you in the eye
You felt my thoughts, but never heard me say - goodbye

Only because you sat and looked - out the window
For 35 minutes all that we never told
Each other, of ourselves - so much to say
Secrets and stories all hidden away

Only for those 35 minutes on the bus
Was there anything you would have liked to discuss
Like paying taxes or the end of the world
Like talking to strangers or what you miss the most

- About life - Before things all suddenly changed
Before we began caring about our loose change
When darkness meant bedtime and sunshine was warm
When people on buses didn’t look so worn -

- Out - Off the bus - That’s where reality is
For 35 minutes we let ourselves forget - this
We float in between what we’ve already done
And what’s ahead - that is still yet to come

Only because we sat together for 35 minutes
And for that time nothing came to kill us
Soon we’ll part - and things will be the same
And I don’t and won’t ever know your name