
Future, a word that makes us ponder
Future, a idea that may contain squalor
But a future involves a person and that persons agenda

Sometimes, you cant help but wonder, "is this right or is wrong."
Sometimes, you anticipate the best, only to fail
You look at your life and think, "what is life without happiness."
Then, like a board snapping, It hits you

A future is what you want it to be, how you shape it, how you make it
It involves choices, decisions, and leaps of faith
You never know what happens till you get there
That is judgment time as well as adjustment time
Life is not perfect, nor is it meant to be
Without imperfections , life would be boring and solitary

That is why a future is a constantly changing aspect of everyone's life
From one minute to the next or hour to hour
Try your best, do your best, and there will be no regrets.

For a special Lady.