People with Shadows

I've been running so long
These legs of mine are weary
Yet if I stop my shadow will catch me
My shadow is my weakness
To catch my breath is the surrender.

Surrender to the stark reality streaking my brain
With the need to conform
To be normal.
Instinct commands I must blend in
But society beholdens the belief that I must strike out.
It is in histories
It is in legends
Do not repeat the past but never forget what this society was built on
Differences settled through disputes.
Should I revolt with a revolution of my own?
My shadow is me...
A civil war is towering within this battered being.

I must accept myself as warring counties must settle their differences
I must be me
The me who is normal only to herself
The me who is different to everyone else
The me who struggles with everyday life
The me who... will stop running this day forth
The me who will have this showdown at sundown
With her own shadow.
I will fight the me who is nature
And the me who is nurture
Because I will make a me who is just that
No need to be torn like paper into strips
Just one big picture full of color and life and
That is different but exactly like everyone else's.
Because we are all one and the same with different shadows
Forcing us to conform to a world full of people willing to make a difference.