
It’s hard to watch as someone dies.
To wait…
And wait…

Every second
of every minute
and every hour
each day
for a week.

To wake up early.
And go to bed late.
Spending all day in that room.
Cafeteria food for lunch.
Cafeteria food for dinner.

Him passed out in the r
Her asleep on thechairs.
You unconscious in the bed.

Others come and go.
She’s there frequently.
They’re passing b y .
In and out, they stay for a while.
The two who always are there.

The two watch TV.
And joke around.
Her doing homework.
She whose mind wanders.

Bonding with the others in this sad time.

Waking up and going to sleep thinking,
if this is the day.
Holding on to this fear until the final day,
comes no relief with this departure.
The past 7 days,
the worst Spring Break ever.
Those two weeks,
the most painful time off from school.
♠ ♠ ♠
Since Mibba doesn't let spaces count...I have to use the underline which is not supposed to be there.