The Dawn

My wounds are as deep
as any may go,
But you can't see them
so you will never know.

They linger my wounds,
deep down under.
Will they ever heal?
I often do wonder

I have felt like I’m dying
for many long years
And have spent time crying
almost all of my tears

I wander by night
and sulk during the day
Though many don’t know
I wasn’t always this way.

I once was bright and airy
I loved, as would you
I had one I thought to marry
I thought he loved me too

I loved him with all my heart
with all of my soul
I wish I hadn’t been so naive
and not left with such a hole

Now I’m all alone
I’m sad and I’m broken
And all I can do is wail and moan
And think of all that went unspoken

Let me tell you my name
so that all may hear
and learn from my tale
so that none may fear

I am the night
I am the day
I’m am the blight
some do say

I am but the Dawn,
Silent and sweet
Yet red as blood
where earth and sky mee