Beauty Products to Cover a Broken Heart

if you want me to feel ugly
give me makeup remover and tears
and i’ll wash away what i feel is beautiful and be forced to face my fears
i can’t remember the last time i didn’t wear makeup for a day
and i don’t remember the last time i felt pretty with a bare face
the thought of long lasting commitment scares the fuck out of me because nights spent together would mean smudged mascara and eyeliner
and at some point i’d have to wash off in front of them and even if they gave me nice compliments
i’d never feel pretty in front of them again
most boys that said they loved me were only talking about my body
maybe whats inside isn’t as pretty or they never stayed long enough to even notice is that i have a personality
you hear about pretty girls with broken hearts all the time
and i never thought one of they would be me
i used to think boys wouldn’t like me because i was ugly
now i feel pretty
and i get compliments on my appearance but never complimented on who i am
the only boy i loved called me beautiful all the time
but im pretty sure he was only talking about the outside
and when he broke my heart
i never felt the same
taking empty compliments from lust filled boys through a screen
and doing shady acts to try to hurt him because he doesn’t know how much he hurt me
i fell for a boy who didn’t even know i have a soul and a heart like glass that shattered when i realized we weren’t going to last
i feel hideous when my sleeves are drenched from the tears that are filled with things i wished i said
instead of thinking and being too nervous to get them out of my head
maybe one of those things would’ve explained how i felt and made him fall in love with my mind
but its too late for that now
but maybe now isn’t our time
or maybe i’m just looking forward to something that is never bound to happen
but i’m still going to hope
i’ve googled how to get over someone you love and how to get someone to love you again
but nothings worked because he’s still in my thoughts and he still doesn’t love me
i say i hate him when i just hate that he doesn’t love me
and i hate that i can’t be what he wants
so even if i get complimented every day
i still will never feel beautiful with my natural state
because even if i look gorgeous on the outside
no one seems to notice whats going on inside