In Words of Two Syllables

A silly, old bear once told us
How lucky I am to have something
That makes saying goodbye so hard

We are lucky
But I need a new way
To say goodbye

I have a bond
That you and I share
That you and I wove together
For fifteen years

The bond is more than just an invisible string
It’s a rope
Made from thousands of twisted steel threads
Thick as a million-year old tree trunk

It’s wrapped around our wrists
Tying us together so closely
So tightly
That as you twist away
The rope lights my wrist on fire
As I struggle and plead for you to stay

I need a new way
To say goodbye

Because I need “goodbye” to tell you
That when you leave
I’ll be homesick
Because this house
Isn’t home
When your laughter echoes on the other side of this too-big world

Because I need “goodbye” to tell you
That when I think of your absence
Sobs transform my face into a canvas
Of melting crayon
In blacks and reds and purples

Big brother,
♠ ♠ ♠
(Wrote this for an English assessment. Intended audience: my graduating brother)