Open Road

late nights,
early morning car rides.
I glance at your
soft smiles,
laughter &
the way your fingers tap against the door panel.
You are perfect.
This blissful image in the velvet of the night.

These nights,
these adventure-filled nights
give me hope.
They remind me of the days when you held my hand
so tight, making sure you'll never let go.
Whenever you'd randomly kiss me
when you wanted me to shut up.
And the way you'd never be gone for more
than a second because everytime I felt
my heart beat
I knew it was you.

Being with you makes me feel like I haven't
lost you completely yet.
I might have lost mostly the physical stuff,
but I know in the radius of your soul that
I am the other half making up your diameter.

I know that you have seeds
of me planted in you still,
that are waiting to sprout.

That kind of companionship can never erase
the kind of love we have for each other,
and as the years travel on
and as we grow creases around our eyes
and our bones begin to break.

I will always be more than just a friend.