Who Am I?

Who am I?
That is a question I think everyone asks themselves,
contemplating when stacking shelves,
keeping food in their stomach, and to pay the bills,
never able to close, the hole it never fills.

The aim always there but just always a bit further than here,
the path never truly clear.
Walking through reality, searching for clarity in a world built on currency
treading ever so carefully so that they don't fall in and become their own enemy.

Spent two years in higher education,
saying I'm going to climb to the stars to help build a higher relation,
with a lost and separate nation.
For as long as I can remember, it's always been my plan,
to become a better and educated man,
but I sit every evening wondering about how lost I truly am,
how did I get here, and who I am.

For a world filled with abnormality,
we try so hard to find perfect serenity
which always hides our main priority.
We trudge through the harsh words we say rhetorically.
"It'll be alright."

Yet we know that it's far from the truth,
wishing from some magical phone booth
to take us away and travel everyday so far away
from this concept of this hypocritical prospect that we are who we say we are.

But what are we? And who do we truly want to be?