Happiness Is

Happiness is an orange cream soda
Fresh from the store
Happiness is the smell of ginger snaps
in the air
The taste of fresh baked cookies and
baking next to someone you love
Happiness is
The dawn after the storm
The rain on glass, pounding hard
The thunder lighting up the night
Happiness is
A good book
Taking a picture
Playing the violin
Creating music, stories, pictures
Happiness is writing
The pencil on the paper,
Fingers on the keys,
Pen scrawling out ink
Happiness is
Knowing that others get your fears and are there for you when you're
and when you're strong.
Sadness is when
You can't stand on your own
and have to fall back on people states, countries away
Because no one at home gets it
♠ ♠ ♠
For a poem I found called 'Happiness' in which the author said others should try and write such a poem. The one that author wrote here: http://www.mibba.com/Poems/Read/329686/Happiness/