
A daisy hidden in a sea of dandelions

And I blew the white puffs from them just to find that what I had been looking for was at the start of the field all along

The last word of my favorite song, ringing out so loud that I had forgotten how soft and tender the first was.

The final piece of the puzzle I’ve been trying to solve for what seems like eternity

Just so happens to be the first that fell from the box.

Wrong turns taken on a lifelong trip

So much I had given up on my destination

Only to end up back at home, with everything I could ever ask for.

Turning down directions from those willing to give them

I chose to go my own way.

No matter how broken down, I kept going.

Doing what I could to hold together, and still breaking down even further.

The road led back to her arms.

Arms there to hold me from the very beginning.

And I’ve never been happier to be home.