Are You There Dad?

Are you there?
Where do you go?
Why don't you care?

Was it something I did?
Did we take a wrong turn?
Why don't you speak to me?

Where is the joy?
Why is there only fear?
Why is there such anger here?

Why no more hugs?
Why aren't you proud?
Where is the love?

Little feet grow
To bigger feet
Bigger feet
To broken feet
Broken feet
To my feet.

Little hands grow
To bigger hands
Bigger hands
To scraped up hands
Scraped up hands
To fighting fists.

I'm grown up now
And I feel things
I don't know how
Nor all the reasons

That things have changed
That everything is awful
That you hate me now
That I just don't care.

You are not the same
You used to be thoughtful
You were not how you are now
You seem like you're not really there.