To Desiree

How can you do it
To just give your heart away
Or how should I put it
There's just so much at stake

20 something guys
8 weeks
Dealing with all the lies
And bad streaks

Yea must be fun
Traveling from country to continent
Giving each guy a turn
Finding love from igloos to tents

How must it feel to wake
Up every morning to see
His love for you turn fake
And your heart crying out in plea

Love is just too precious
To important too fragile
How do you let it fall to the dust
Looking for that groom to walk the aisle

It hurts me to see you hurt
Had you known you would not have started
You would have considered the offer with a "but"
Now the pieces of your heart are scattered

Your tears flow like a river
Your cheeks are like a waterfall
Your heart only gets weaker
After each and every brawl

First it was Bryden
Yea he walked out real quick
It just wasn't working
He seemed really meek

Think James has class?
He cheated on his girlfriend
Yup Loyal my ass
He'll never stay till the end

Next came drew
Drew drew drew
The romantic and reserved guy, drew
Man he really drew away from you