The Season Between Summer and Fall

The day before the leaves fell you left us
heartbroken and hanging off your every word
Rumors flew
of how it happened
car crash, suicide, freak accident
but not many know the truth
of how the pain you felt
caused you to sit and tie yourself
a pretty little knot
that would take away both our souls
but only resolve
one of our troubles
So now we all cry at night
and I know that between the
seasons of summer and fall
right before the leaves fall
but right after the temperature dips
is the season of us
and the way we felt
looking at the stars
dreaming of our nonexistent futures.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wake up every day with puffy eyes and day dreams of you, ..... I miss you so much. I love you so much. It wasn't your season yet. I know this isn't very good but I only have 5 minutes and I want to think of you more often.