I'm Done With You

Why do you hate me so much?
What have I done to make you feel this way?
Was it something I said?
Something I haven't?
I don't understand.
You have all this hatered towards me
And I just sit there
Confused beyond belief.
I don't really care if you hate me,
I'm not that fond of you either.
But to see you like that
Just makes me wonder why.
What have I done?
I have my reasons,
But what are yours?
I know if I ask,
You'll lie straight to my face
And say that you're doing this
For the best
And that you don't want to see me fail.
But that's all you want
For me to fail at what I want to do.
Because you want me to be
What you want.
A clone of you.
I know what I want to do with my life
And that's certainly not what you want.
But you have to give me a chance,
And let all your anger out on someone else.
I have my friends who support
My every choice,
Unlike you.
So I don't need you,
And your "support"
Because I'm done with your complains,
Your "words of wisdom"
I'm done with you.