
His eyes opened slowly, growing more and more accustomed to the bright light with every glance. The sun was shining bright, and rain fell from the heavens. Where was he? How did he get here? Standing he went exploring, and found himself in an unfamiliar forest. The trees were warped and rain fell from nowhere. It looked like a dreamworld.
Stems of leaves protruded from branches, reaching for the winds but tethered to the wooden arm by the broad part of the leaf. He shook his head at the strange yet marvelous sight, and the world around him changed.
He was floating in a giant air bubble rising through the sea. Strange aquatic creatures zipped curiously around him, going near but never touching his bubble. Below him, the ground moved. It revealed itself to be a monstrously large creature, with spines twice the size of a man. It's long sinuous body curved out of its resting place, feelers floated in front of its dragon-like face looking almost like whiskers. Broad fins gave a might push and propelled the leviathan into the depths, popping his bubble and flinging him against the rocks.