The Ruin

Deep beneath the darker planes,
Deep down in the darkest places,
There lies a world of treasure,
A world trapped in time itself,

Inside this world time is broken,
Inside this world time is dead,
There is no hope, no joy, no sorrow,
Only, rock, and ruin, death, and quiet,

There is no reality but your own,
There is no time but that which remains,
And it reaches out with no arms to hold,
And it reaches out with no hands to touch,

There is nothing within in and out,
But higher above Life dances,
And waves within waves,
Rivers within rivers,

This dark world, this broken world,
This old world, this trapped world,

There is no hope, no joy, no sorrow,
There is just time, and rock, and ruin
♠ ♠ ♠
Atlantis-like in inspiration and not technically not about Atlantis at all.