White Ravens

The white raven, pale as bone, and lonelier then the darkest shadow. Unwanted and unloved, doomed to die alone, or left to simply be devoured by its own kind. The white raven another lost beauty of the world simply left to rot in the fabric of time. In this world beauty such as this is ignored and forgotten like so many other things. The white ravens of humanity are among these lost treasures. The children born with out luck and without hope. Left to be broken and dismantled for another's pleasure. The unwanted children who's mothers have forgotten them and who's fathers despise them. The children born with different hearts than the norm, and made to suffer for it. These are the white ravens of our kind and they are left to simply die like the bird that represents them. In this world such beauty should be worshiped and appreciated as any other form of beauty, however different it may be. All children no matter what the color of their feathers may be, should be loved and held.