You Were Wanted

You were wanted.
From the minute we heard about you, we wanted you.
Of course by then, it was too late.

She's been crying. She feels guilt. She wants to die.
She regrets that you are no longer on your way.

I'm sad. I only heard about you this morning, and I already miss what could have been.
You might have been a little dark haired boy, curly locks and dark eyes.
You might have been the prettiest little girl I'd ever laid eyes on.

Now I won't get to see you. Ever.

I'm sorry for what she did. She's sorry too.

I wish she would have told us instead of acting first.
Because you were WANTED. As soon as we heard.
We've been mourning the loss of you.
All of us.
You meant something.

She wasn't ready. We don't know the exact circumstance, but we know her.
She wasn't ready.

No excuses, in my mind.
Because we WERE ready.
And she realizes that now.

I'm sorry you don't get a future.
I'm sorry you don't get a life.
We all would have loved you so much.
We're all feeling a loss that we shouldn't.

She's not doing well. She might even move back home. She's sorry, too.
If she could go back and change it, she would.

Words won't bring you back though.
I wish they would.

You were wanted, maybe not by her at the time,
maybe not by "him", whoever he was.
But by the rest of us, and there are a lot,

You were wanted.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wasn't sure what to rate this, but I've given it an R rating due to subject matter. It's not graphic. Just me getting my feelings out. It makes no sense probably and that's fine. Don't be too harsh if you feel the need to say something, it's been a bad month.