Always and Forever

I miss you
You're not here in our bed and it's my fault
I pushed you away
But God now all I want to do is fix this
Because fuck me
I love you
It's so difficult
Because of everything that happened
But I still do
I still see you as the man who promised me the world
And you aren't him any more
And shit that's hard
I don't know what to do anymore
I thought that maybe if I grew a bit of a spine
If I stood up for what I wanted
You could see how serious I was
But I was wrong
I'm always wrong
I like to pretend I'm right
Because I'm a woman
Because of a movie
But let's face it
I'm wrong
I was wrong when I denied you the counseling
I was wrong when I thought that we'd be okay
And I didn't know it then
But I do now
And I'm sorry
But fuck I want to fix this
I don't want to fail in this too
I failed in everything
I always do
But fuck the last thing I wanted
Was to fail you

I don't want to be a failure
And I don't want to lose the man I love
I don't want to let go
'Cause if you're a turtle I'm a rock
And because tap tap tap
And because PS I Love You
And because Lisey's Story
And Thus with a kiss I zombie
And belly button rings
And carnations
And white dresses
And giggles
And kisses
And making love under the stars that first time
And teasing
And card games
And Madden
And Dragon Age
And Deadpool
And Batman
And Jar Jar Binks
And Prom
And swimming
And pizza
And quads
And hospitals
And the garage
And Marco Polo
And fishing
And sitting by the fire
And Breakfast at Tiffany's
And The Godfather
And Vicodin
And Singing in the Rain
And You Can't take it With you
And Curtains
And long hair
And those beautiful blue eyes
And the stalker Playlist
And Peter Piper Pizza
And the class ring
And the pink wheel chair
And a broken pair of earrings I've kept all these years
And secret emails
And Futurama Pogo stick
And what about the animals
And cramped beds
And nuggles
And tisses
And poetry
Always and Forever

And fuck
I know you don't feel that way
But it's killing me that you don't
Because I just can't understand it
You've always promised me...
You've never let me down before
And I'm probably just in denial
And it only makes you hate me more
But fuck babyluv
I remember it all
And I love it all
And I love you