Lovely Mercury

Lovely Mercury
-Rehanul Hoque
The moment that billions of stars beacon
I’m obsessed by your thought
Just stolen glance to begin a day and so to end
You are mercury, motion accumulated from the infinite
With circular spins
Words subsumed underneath
Works out on a diagram for escape
Billions of neurons boiled to the optimum
Compose epicedium only heard from a recluse
In my fancy, I smile

Leaves fall with music, unattended
Dreams attired in grey traverse
The crimson festival of horizons
Birds play on a song
Time awoken
Two arms of a clock together
Make for angular entreaties
Your stay in between rise and set of a sun
So momentary can be
Your beauty is but my sovereignty.
♠ ♠ ♠
Original in Bangla, Translated by the poet himself