
Last night I dreamed of you.
In the morning I heard your voice.
I sat bolt upright;
Excitement coursing through my veins.
You were here!
You'd finally returned to me!
My hand on the doorknob,
I realized then that it wasn't you I'd heard.
It was the television.
Despair replaced the excitement,
As I crawled back into bed.
I wanted to see you.
I missed you so much,
That it physically hurt.
Why did you leave me?
You said that you loved me.
You promised a happily ever after,
Like you read in fairytales.
I want you to hold me close;
To be in your warm embrace again.
I longed to hear your sweet voice,
Whispering words filled with love in my ear.
Would I ever see your smiling face again?
I missed you.
Please come back.