I'm Here for You

These days, at times
It's like there's nothing between us to say.
This silence is so deafening that it clouds my mind
And I'm clutching at straws trying to hit upon something that makes you smile.
Life is a long journey and for you it's not kind -
The universe has kicked you too often
And you're wearing thin,
Your bruises shining like a constellation against the darkness of your days.
But don't forget me, sweet boy;
For I am here when you need me the most.
Use me, I am yours to do with as you wish
And I love you more than any person has any business loving another.
I know you've got it rough but let me share the load,
Let me pick you up when the day is long and the night is cold.
Though I'm miles away know I'm always there if you want me,
If you need me.
You are not a burden to bear, baby,
But you are mine to care for.
Don't suffer alone in silence.
The sound of your voice when you whisper down the phone
Helps me to keep going -
Is it so much to ask to allow me to try and do the same?
Don't be upset sweet boy, this is not blame to be assigned -
I know well enough how hard it is to let someone in
And ask for help.
But open your mind and your heart,
And I will wait for the day when you're ready.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know you're struggling right now, my love. You've had more bad news lately than anyone deserves in a lifetime. But I will love you through it all and I am here for you, whether you believe me or not. Don't shut me out; a problem shared is a problem halved.