
When I heard
the sound of burning rubber
I remembered (and forgot) what I would miss most
when his tires met my body /
Letting go is never easy,
But no one ever says how to do it
in mere seconds,
Like a flash-fire consuming
my memories
One two three/
I was tabula rasa
Stepping from that wreck,
casting my eyes
towards the metal that marked
a permanent division of my calendar,
Paramedics gauged a pulse
But all they had were lines
Because my mind was still at the
steering wheel,
Saying goodbye to you./
In the days after, all I could see was the
Living vicariously through the
Absences I perceived I would leave
in your heart
And theirs. /
After you’ve said goodbye to the sunlight,
How do you come back
asking for a reintroduction?/
They say to make peace
if you’re facing that final door,
and you can’t take the contents of your pocket
or your wallet
But what happens if you knock
and no one’s there to answer?/
You come back the way you came
and find what makes you whole again.
I might have scattered my thoughts
to the winds that carried all my
But I realized
that if this is a reintroduction
That just means
I get to fall in love with you
all over again/ And remember why / it was so hard / to say goodbye at all