The Feast

Wicker Basket, orange rinds,
Pumpkin seeds, eel tongues,
Cow Snouts, toffee pudding,
Plucked pheasant, fried tomatoes,
Duckling wings, fried fish scales,

A white cloth, silver platters,
Gold goblets, marble urns,
Platinum and bronze utensils, alabaster gourds,
White candles and white oil,
White wood tables and white onyx chairs,
White limestone floors and white quarts walls,
White, white, white,

There is no color, but the colors in the food,
But the whiteness of the white tunes them out,
And they themselves dull away to lesser shells,
But the whiteness remains,

A platice horn sounds, and pluvius harps play,
And music fills the feast hall with songs,
Songs of the day, of time, of color, of regality,
And a boar's drum beats a steady rhythm,
And a tiger's ocaris flutes and flits and flites,

A bell rings out, and voice bellows,
"Dinner is served!"

Another bell rings, and the large white oak doors swing open,
And a view of the coast, the beach, the sea, and horizon abound,
An afternoon sun hangs in the sky,
And the feast begins,
And the feast begins,
And the feast begins,

"Come! Come! Let us become divinity!"