By Being Me

You tried to break me
You tried to win
But i was determined
I knew that i could do it
This battle i will win
As much as you told me i can't
I almost believed you
I wanted to give up
Call it quits and just leave
But i knew i couldn't
Because i believed in me
Everyone always told me
That i can do anything i Put my mind too
And for once i finally believed them
You tried to hurt me kick me into the ground
Throw dirt on my name dispose of my body
So that i can never be found
But guess what i'm not giving up
On what i love and yearn to be
I'm a poet not right now but soon i will be
I don't care if you criticize me
Or say that my work is far too weak
Your words hurt but it didn't hurt me
I will prove to you and everyone else
Who doubted me
That i was enough and i made it
By just simply being me
♠ ♠ ♠
A lot of these poems were wrote a while ago but i just have been slacking with posting them but yeah i hope you guys like it enjoy