I Needed Words

I needed words.

You kissed me passionately, fervently, all consumingly
As though I were rain and you were a drought.

I felt needed, desired, sexy...
for a minute, maybe two

Until I remembered

When you pulled down my panties I felt vulnerable, bare, flawed...
Like an accused awaiting her sentence.

I needed words.

I couldn't speak, couldn't even whisper - Stop.
Because my body was screaming, yes finally!

But my mind was hesitant, silent, waiting...

For Words,
I needed words.

I needed to hear
You Are Beautiful.

I needed to hear
I Like You.

I needed to hear
Are you Sure?

But in the end, the only words muttered were the unspoken ones, coming from my body -
My forsaking body, saying Yes when I should have said No

All we needed were words.