'Til Death Do Us Part

The sky’s as gray as death
And the winter breeze awaits.
Leaves caress the ground,
Following me through the gates.

I walk down the path,
Feeling like dead brown leaves.
I am trampled and crushed to pieces
And I can’t help but grieve.

He is laying still,
Silent and away.
He is alone,
Missing the last of the autumn day.

As I walk to my destination,
I look from stone to stone.
There are so many here,
And yet I feel so alone.

He doesn’t walk
And all he sees is black.
He doesn’t see the stones,
Not even the one with the crack.

We were beautiful once.
He took me to different places.
We wore red carpet-worthy clothes
And there were always big smiles on our faces.

Now we’ve forgotten what smiling was.
New places seem like a dream.
I wear sweatpants.
He wears a suit he’s never seen.

One day, some news came up
And I was the first one he told.
“I promise I’ll be okay,” he said.
My spine went cold.

A few months passed.
He was away at war.
I stayed home every day,
Waiting nervously by the door.

I waited and waited,
Always thinking of the worst.
But come back he did and okay he was –
But only at first.

Now he’s by the back corner
And I’m at the other end.
I like to think he’s next to me,
Even though it’s hard to pretend.

Whenever he did come back,
We went out on dates.
The future was bright,
And we felt there was no surprise to await.

Then we were excited,
Bounded together by wedding bands.
Now I hold flowers
While he has a rosary in his hands.

I have reached his spot by now.
At first all I can do is stare.
My body begins to tremble.
Now all I can do is glare.

It had happened exactly a year ago,
But I received the news the following day.
The breeze was cold.
The sky was gray.

He came back differently than what he had promised.
He was put in a new suit.
They wrapped him in an American flag
And a few gave him a salute.

Now I stand on top of him,
Staring at his name.
“You promised you’d be okay!” I screamed.
No response came.

I look at his name,
Noticing the crack.
I say, “I still sit by the door every day,
Hoping you’ll come back.”

And from there I collapsed
And the tears flowed out like a wave.
I hugged what was left of him.
It was only his grave.