The True Superheros

The solimnity of silence,
interupted by the beat of the drums,
by the humms of the guitars,
then the voice of the man,
the one whos voice saved millions,
including me and you,
together the family of five play,
telling their lives in music,
the ones who went through what we are going through,
the stairs,
the laughter,
the glairs,
you are diffrent,
as am I,
they were and still are too,
you held the gun to your head,
the knife to your wrist,
the one last pill you need to O.D.,
but his voice rings out commanding you to stop,
you do as he commands,
your heart beat falls in line with the drums,
the lyrics hold meanings you can relate to,
"It'll be alright, Its ok to be diffrent, be yourself and screw the others" Gerard's voice rings out,
a message cloaked in lyrics,
you find a safe haven in the band with the coad of M.C.R,
and the music they play,
you look up to the five,
they are and will always be your heros,
outcasts themselves,
the nerd,
the hot head,
the midget,
the giant,
and the leader,
the one that sat in the corner drawing comics,
like you, living in his own world,
like Peter Pan,
never growing up,
together they make the ledgendary band,
heros among many teens,
hated by many adults,
and the teens they were just a little to late for,
hated among the teens that fit in somewhere,
and the ones that never found the message,
together they stand up for each other and all the teenage "losers" they once were,
together forever they are
the saviors and speakers of those that have no place,
the ones sitting in the corner,
the ones wearing black,
the forgotten ones,
the ones with short hair thought to be dyke,
the ones that write beautiful but grusem or dark poetry,
the teen with litte to no friends,
the ones that are picked on,
the ones that listen.